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Publications of Mahieddine Djoudi

Reference (inproceedings)

C. Khentout, M. Djoudi, L. Douidi, "Evaluation en ligne de l'environnement AVUNET", CISC'04 The International Conference on Complex Systems, Jijel, Algeria., p 48, actes sur CDROM., 6-8 septembre 2004.

BibTeX entry

	Author = {Chabane Khentout and Mahieddine Djoudi and Lamri Douidi},
	Title = {Evaluation en ligne de l'environnement AVUNET},
	Booktitle = {CISC'04 The International Conference on Complex Systems, Jijel,  Algeria., p 48, actes sur CDROM.},
	Month = {6-8 septembre},
	Year = {2004},
	Keywords = {Khentout Djoudi Douidi appinterface}

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